

Sunday 8 July 2018

general knowledge

Gujarat Papers solution PDF Book

By Bhaskar Job July 2018                                                             0 Comment  

Broadband is expected to increase to 79 percent of all broadband subscriptions by 2015, up from its 2010 level of 37 percent.Not surprisingly, in light of its long-term potential, a number of countries have identified broadband and wireless technology as crucial infrastructure needs for national development. Broadbandis viewed as a way to stimulate economic development, enhance social connections, and promote civic engagement. National leaders understand that broadband technology is a cross-cutting technology that speeds innovation in such areas as health care,education, energy, and transportation.

When combined with organizational changes, digital technology can generate powerful new efficiencies and economies of scale. Moreover, the creation of new digital platforms across a variety of domains spurs utilizationand innovation and brings additional people, businesses, and services into the digital revolution. To cite only two examples, both entrepreneurs and undeserved populations stand to benefit forma greater use of mobile technology. Entrepreneurs play a major role in the economy of many countries. 

They launch companies, build businesses, and provide jobs.As the world moves toward a global digital economy, entrepreneurs increasingly rely on mobile technology to develop their businesses, reach markets, and pay vendors. This helps them stain close contact with individuals and entities upstream and downstreamof the business and build relationships. Mobile technology also offers important advantages for those in undeserved rural communities, where limited access to broadband and other telecommunication services makes it more difficult to participate, socially and economically, in the modern world.
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